Evidence of UFO's and a Landing Site in Sherborn, MA.?


Evidence of UFO's and a Landing Site in Sherborn, MA.?

In 2005 a possible landing circle- a basic kind of "crop circle" if you will, or basic "landing ring" that many UFO researchers have catalogued in the past, such as Budd Hopkins in his book "Intruders" for instance- was observed at the edge of the field of the Barber Conservation Reservation off of Western Avenue, in Sherborn, MA.  Years later, this ring was still visible, even with the field being mowed.  No tests were made for traces of radiation, etc.  The ring may or may not still be visible- the precise spot would have to be re-located.

In the spring of either 2007 or 2008, the same sharp-eyed witness was sitting in the field, near a "vista" or vantage point, while taking a phone call on his cell phone.  He noted two glowing orbs, or UFO's, flying in the distance.  They disappeared over the power-lines at which point they accelerated upwards and abruptly vanished.  

Please feel free to contact the Tri-County UFO & Paranormal Research Group at idofthemjh@gmail.com or to leave a comment on this post if any additional information has come to light. 



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